
Bottega Veneta запустили онлайн-журнал


Bottega Veneta запустили онлайн-журнал

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Karina for Bottega Veneta

DAZED TikTok RM arriving at Bottega Veneta #bts #rm #namjoon

Bottega Veneta這個牌子怎麼讀? | 滤客_Luc

Bottega Veneta這個牌子怎麼讀?

✋Hi 我是濾客,我不是球鞋博主,做視頻只是分享我的一些小愛好
歡迎訂閱我的頻道 ▶▶ https://bit.ly/2V3RWAS

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The Cult Obsession with New Bottega Veneta

Covering the story of how @BottegaVeneta shifted it’s gears into New Bottega and raking in 1.7 billion euros with its discreet elegance and craftsmanship. The past three years have seen a breakthrough for Bottega Veneta, with its designs and revenue reflecting its exponential growth. Daniel Lee, the creative director who succeeded Tomas Maier, introduced a new color and rebranded the company, filling in the gaps left by the Phoebe Philo era at Céline. Under Lee’s leadership, the brand rapidly gained a cult following with its new designs, including the «Pouch» handbags and square-toed shoes. However, Lee’s abrupt exit led to the promotion of his right-hand man, Matthieu Blazy, to the creative director role. Blazy, who has a reputation for being transparent and approachable, intends to guide Bottega Veneta on a trajectory of long-term organic growth.

Bottega Veneta Radio: https://www.nts.live/shows/bottega-radio

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